本文共 9921 字,大约阅读时间需要 33 分钟。
. "${SPARK_HOME}/sbin/spark-config.sh". "${SPARK_HOME}/bin/load-spark-env.sh"
CLASS="org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master"ORIGINAL_ARGS="$@""${SPARK_HOME}/sbin"/spark-daemon.sh start $CLASS 1 \ --ip $SPARK_MASTER_IP --port $SPARK_MASTER_PORT --webui-port $SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT \ $ORIGINAL_ARGS
nohup nice -n “SPARKNICENESS""SPARK_NICENESS" "SPARKNICENESS""{SPARK_HOME}”/bin/spark-class command"command "command"@" >> “KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 8: log" 2>&̲1 < /dev/null &…!”
;;- 即 ```shellnohup nice -n "$SPARK_NICENESS" "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master "$@" >> "$log" 2>&1 < /dev/null &newpid="$!";;
run_command() { mode="$1" shift mkdir -p "$SPARK_PID_DIR" if [ -f "$pid" ]; then TARGET_ID="$(cat "$pid")" if [[ $(ps -p "$TARGET_ID" -o comm=) =~ "java" ]]; then echo "$command running as process $TARGET_ID. Stop it first." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$SPARK_MASTER" != "" ]; then echo rsync from "$SPARK_MASTER" rsync -a -e ssh --delete --exclude=.svn --exclude='logs/*' --exclude='contrib/hod/logs/*' "$SPARK_MASTER/" "${SPARK_HOME}" fi spark_rotate_log "$log" echo "starting $command, logging to $log" case "$mode" in (class) nohup nice -n "$SPARK_NICENESS" "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-class $command "$@" >> "$log" 2>&1 < /dev/null & newpid="$!" ;; (submit) nohup nice -n "$SPARK_NICENESS" "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit --class $command "$@" >> "$log" 2>&1 < /dev/null & newpid="$!" ;; (*) echo "unknown mode: $mode" exit 1 ;; esac echo "$newpid" > "$pid" sleep 2 # Check if the process has died; in that case we'll tail the log so the user can see if [[ ! $(ps -p "$newpid" -o comm=) =~ "java" ]]; then echo "failed to launch $command:" tail -2 "$log" | sed 's/^/ /' echo "full log in $log" fi}
option=$1case $option in (submit) run_command submit "$@" ;; (start) run_command class "$@" ;;
. "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/load-spark-env.sh
# The launcher library will print arguments separated by a NULL character, to allow arguments with# characters that would be otherwise interpreted by the shell. Read that in a while loop, populating# an array that will be used to exec the final command.CMD=()while IFS= read -d '' -r ARG; do CMD+=("$ARG")done < <("$RUNNER" -cp "$LAUNCH_CLASSPATH" org.apache.spark.launcher.Main "$@")exec "${CMD[@]}"
/** * Usage: Main [class] [class args] ** This CLI works in two different modes: *
* On Unix-like systems, the output is a list of command arguments, separated by the NULL * character. On Windows, the output is a command line suitable for direct execution from the * script. */ public static void main(String[] argsArray) throws Exception { checkArgument(argsArray.length > 0, "Not enough arguments: missing class name."); List
def main(argStrings: Array[String]) { Utils.initDaemon(log) val conf = new SparkConf val args = new MasterArguments(argStrings, conf) val (rpcEnv, _, _) = startRpcEnvAndEndpoint(args.host, args.port, args.webUiPort, conf) rpcEnv.awaitTermination() }
/** * Start the Master and return a three tuple of: * (1) The Master RpcEnv * (2) The web UI bound port * (3) The REST server bound port, if any */ def startRpcEnvAndEndpoint( host: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int, conf: SparkConf): (RpcEnv, Int, Option[Int]) = { val securityMgr = new SecurityManager(conf) val rpcEnv = RpcEnv.create(SYSTEM_NAME, host, port, conf, securityMgr) val masterEndpoint = rpcEnv.setupEndpoint(ENDPOINT_NAME, new Master(rpcEnv, rpcEnv.address, webUiPort, securityMgr, conf)) val portsResponse = masterEndpoint.askWithRetry[BoundPortsResponse](BoundPortsRequest) (rpcEnv, portsResponse.webUIPort, portsResponse.restPort) }
override def onStart(): Unit = { logInfo("Starting Spark master at " + masterUrl) logInfo(s"Running Spark version ${org.apache.spark.SPARK_VERSION}") webUi = new MasterWebUI(this, webUiPort) webUi.bind() masterWebUiUrl = "http://" + masterPublicAddress + ":" + webUi.boundPort checkForWorkerTimeOutTask = forwardMessageThread.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = Utils.tryLogNonFatalError { self.send(CheckForWorkerTimeOut) } }, 0, WORKER_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) if (restServerEnabled) { val port = conf.getInt("spark.master.rest.port", 6066) restServer = Some(new StandaloneRestServer(address.host, port, conf, self, masterUrl)) } restServerBoundPort = restServer.map(_.start()) masterMetricsSystem.registerSource(masterSource) masterMetricsSystem.start() applicationMetricsSystem.start() // Attach the master and app metrics servlet handler to the web ui after the metrics systems are // started. masterMetricsSystem.getServletHandlers.foreach(webUi.attachHandler) applicationMetricsSystem.getServletHandlers.foreach(webUi.attachHandler) val serializer = new JavaSerializer(conf) val (persistenceEngine_, leaderElectionAgent_) = RECOVERY_MODE match { case "ZOOKEEPER" => logInfo("Persisting recovery state to ZooKeeper") val zkFactory = new ZooKeeperRecoveryModeFactory(conf, serializer) (zkFactory.createPersistenceEngine(), zkFactory.createLeaderElectionAgent(this)) case "FILESYSTEM" => val fsFactory = new FileSystemRecoveryModeFactory(conf, serializer) (fsFactory.createPersistenceEngine(), fsFactory.createLeaderElectionAgent(this)) case "CUSTOM" => val clazz = Utils.classForName(conf.get("spark.deploy.recoveryMode.factory")) val factory = clazz.getConstructor(classOf[SparkConf], classOf[Serializer]) .newInstance(conf, serializer) .asInstanceOf[StandaloneRecoveryModeFactory] (factory.createPersistenceEngine(), factory.createLeaderElectionAgent(this)) case _ => (new BlackHolePersistenceEngine(), new MonarchyLeaderAgent(this)) } persistenceEngine = persistenceEngine_ leaderElectionAgent = leaderElectionAgent_ }
override def receiveAndReply(context: RpcCallContext): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case RegisterWorker( id, workerHost, workerPort, workerRef, cores, memory, workerWebUiUrl) => { logInfo("Registering worker %s:%d with %d cores, %s RAM".format( workerHost, workerPort, cores, Utils.megabytesToString(memory))) if (state == RecoveryState.STANDBY) { context.reply(MasterInStandby) } else if (idToWorker.contains(id)) { context.reply(RegisterWorkerFailed("Duplicate worker ID")) } else { val worker = new WorkerInfo(id, workerHost, workerPort, cores, memory, workerRef, workerWebUiUrl) if (registerWorker(worker)) { persistenceEngine.addWorker(worker) context.reply(RegisteredWorker(self, masterWebUiUrl)) schedule() } else { val workerAddress = worker.endpoint.address logWarning("Worker registration failed. Attempted to re-register worker at same " + "address: " + workerAddress) context.reply(RegisterWorkerFailed("Attempted to re-register worker at same address: " + workerAddress)) } } }